Ready for Stock

Right now, we are going into Autumn - not a great time to be trying to make a living off vegetables. But the timing is actually perfect for us. We have several months to work on the farm (along with our day jobs) before Spring hits us and life is all planting and harvesting.

However, it’d be great to be making some income from the farm throughout the winter and beyond as we find our feet in the world of market gardening… plus, how are we going to keep the grass under control?


For these reasons, priorities one and two upon moving to the farm were a) water for animals, and b) secure fencing for animals.

After wading into the pond to find the end of the pump, we now have water flowing to the troughs in the fields.

Have you ever tried untangling fencing wire? We don’t have to imagine it anymore! Over 4 kilometres of fence is now fixed and safe for cattle. We were fortunate enough to have Chris’ dad Shane around for both of these tasks – a seasoned farmer with the endurance to match. 

We have taken on a farm that is not ‘production ready’. But we knew this, and we’re happy that we’ve managed to achieve two potentially arduous jobs with relative ease. We can now lease our secure and watered fields to a farmer who needs grazing for their cattle, and we can start focusing on transforming other parts of the farm into living soil for vegetables and fruit trees.

man untangling fenceline with labrador walking alongside